
When I look around at the world, I see promise and pain. I use fashion printmaking, painting and sculpture to reach out and tap the world on the shoulder. There are so many ways to communicate; love, appreciation and meaning through art. Using art as a tool to reach others is my mission. As people, we want to be in control, and accepting we are not, is a hard pill to swallow. I search, listen and look at the world until I am clear on the message for a piece. Some themes explored in my work include; emotional states of mind and injustice in our society.  While exploring the mediums of fiber, paper, metal and clay, I choose to seek out and reuse materials. Most of my ceramic sculptures take form on a pottery wheel. If I’m creating a wearable sculpture or clothing, I draft patterns and construct the garment piece by piece. I spend time considering the story and concept for each series. Through sketching and paper modeling, each piece is a part of a continuing story and is connected to the next. 
