Stories Untold 

When I think about the world, I consider our history and where we are today. I see the world in a state of flux. Our society needs to continue to change and evolve, and while moving forward, we need to examine our past mistakes. In doing so, it is essential to learn to acknowledge and correct them and make better choices in the future.

In order to expand my view of people's contributions to the world, I decided to explore the area of missing historical perspectives. This inspired my creation of the sculptural garment and installation series, Stories Untold. The series was inspired to honor people who were silenced throughout history. Many groups and people were intentionally omitted from our history. Today we have unanswered questions because the stories were; cast aside, undocumented, or lost. To illustrate this idea, the garment and installation are covered with over a hundred blank books, each separately folded, cut, and bound. Each book symbolizes the countless stories that remain untold. Another garment included in this installation is Soundproof Screams (Egg Carton Coat). The self-encapsulated coat features egg cartons corralling around the figure. This garment is inspired by our desire to control and suppress our emotions to please others. I incorporated this garment in the installation to show that sometimes, we all need a safe space to speak the truth. 

As an artist, I strive to amplify the importance of looking outside oneself. It's vital to share a variety of viewpoints. I strive to ask questions regarding how we relate and respect one another. Visuals are a wonderful tool used as a commonality to connect people. Often we remain disconnected from our emotions and one another. Visuals are a universal language. I use the vocabulary of imagery to invite the public to examine their viewpoints and challenge our societal rules.